Weight Loss and Diabetes Program at Rs. 4750/mo for a short time! Click to whatsapp.


Weight Loss and Diabetes Program at Rs. 4750/mo for a short time! Click to whatsapp. 〰️


Rajshree Yoga is in the field of weight and health since 1994.

We help people lose weight and manage health problems at any age naturally — without fasting, medicines, and side effects.

To meet this goal, we make customized health programs for each person which include yoga therapy, diet therapy, sujok therapy, and various other natural therapies.


Programs we offer:

Hatha Yoga Classes

Yoga intended to improve your Strength, Flexibility, and Balancing Skills followed by deep relaxation to start your day the right way.

Timings: 07:30 am to 08:30 am @ Dadar East

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Weight Programs

Lose or Gain Weight without tiring exercise, and with food of your choice. After weight loss our exclusive Weight Maintenance Program helps to prevent weight gain.

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Health Programs

Health Programs are for people facing problems like Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Migraine, Thyroid, and more. Any effort to improve health on your part is an investment for your future.

Anti-Ageing Program


Our Anti-Ageing program includes face enhancement, posture correction, skin tightening and more. This will make you look younger and keep you fit and energetic.


To Book an appointment online, Click Here.

Being overweight or obese is not a single disease with a simple treatment and cure, it is the physical expression of a huge variety of complex factors and conditions. The only way to really tackle this is to work with individuals and understand their particular problems.
— Anthony Warner, New Scientist.

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